When You Have Nowhere Else to Go![]() When we adopted our girls, it wasn’t a smooth transition. We were in the middle of a foreign country for five weeks with children we had just met and one with obvious special needs that we had not known about before coming. We were not prepared for the torrent of emotions that would consume us over the weeks following the sweet moment we first held them in our arms. It was a time of extremes – absolute joy at meeting the daughters God had picked out for us, fear at not knowing how to help our oldest who struggled not only with the trauma of the transition, but with her brain not cooperating with her body, and anger at the many glitches we encountered with the court systems, our translator, and ourselves for not knowing the language better. I {Ginny} remember after struggling all night to help them sleep, waking up tired, and waiting for yet another day for some news about our case moving forward, we would be filled with exhaustion and anger. I slipped into depression, and I felt hopeless as I looked at my daughters who were looking at me with big eyes and their own fear of the unknown. Could I be a mom of children with special needs? I didn’t feel strong enough or knowledgeable enough to know what to do. We just knew life was very chaotic, and I couldn’t get it to slow down so I could breathe. We tried everything to get through those days. We Skyped with loved ones from home. We walked through the park and ate lots of hamburgers and ice cream. We swam in the pool for hours. But I regret so badly the one thing we forgot that could have given us hope and the strength we so badly needed. I forgot to include God in the process. As I look back, I don’t remember praying or picking up a Bible once during that entire time. Instead, I just cursed at God for giving me more than I thought I could handle. I let the fear and hopeless swallow me instead of letting the TRUTH build me up. The truth is that God specifically chose those two beautiful children to be my daughters. Because of that, He would provide what I needed to raise them in a home filled with the love of the Lord, the wisdom to navigate the special needs system to meet their needs best, and the strength and courage to keep moving forward. He knew that my education background would give me the confidence I needed to go into IEP meetings and advocate for my child but work as a member of the team. He knew that my husband’s gentleness and kind spirit would be just what the girls needed most as they tested us each day to see if we still loved them. He knew He could provide for what we needed if we just allowed Him to. He knew that He had prepared us for this very moment of being parents and would continue to guide us if we would just let Him. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. He has a plan for each of us. In His plan, He wants to prosper us and not harm us. He wants to give us hope and a future. Many of you are in situations right now where you feel hopeless, confused, or scared. You have tried everything, and your well is empty. I encourage you to STOP, BE STILL, and PRAY. Allow the Lord into your situation. Admit you do not have what it takes to go another step. You need Him to carry you and guide you. Tell Him you can do NOTHING without Him. Then, let Him work. Allow Him to speak with you in the quiet, in His written Word, and through others He places in your path. Take the pressure from yourself to handle it all on your own and let HIM take the reigns. THEN, and only then, can you experience the hope and the peace that He wants to bring to you, even in the midst of the storm. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." PHILIPPIANS 4:6-7
PRAYERS FOR THE SOUL![]() Do you find yourself wrapped up in selfish prayers? “Dear Jesus, please give me this or that…” I {Vickibeth} believe that just like a parents desire to hear the requests of their child, our Heavenly Father desires to hear our needs and desires, but if all he ever hears are physical prayers, it’s going to be a pretty boring relationship, don’t you think? What if our days were spent praying, “God, fill me with your love today” instead of “God, please get me through this work day.” What if the “attitude of prayer” that we are instructed to have (1 Thess. 5:17) was more than our physical wants? Let me be honest for a second, that “God, please get me through this work day” prayer is something I pray often, but what if I took it a step deeper? What if I ask for needs and desires outside of this physical world? I believe it will change my walk with God as well as my day-to-day actions. So I’ve compiled a short list of prayers that I believe both honor God and grow my walk with Him, and I invite you into this personal piece of my heart: 1. Lead Me To The Cross. Does anyone else feel the need to worship when this song comes on the radio? I mean, wow. Every time I hear it I think “God! This is what I want! I want to rid myself of me because I belong to You!” How different would our days be if our focus was on the cross and what that means for the believer’s life? What if every day we laid down our burdens at the foot of the cross and gave them to the only One who can do anything about them? So many days I try to “just make it through” on my own strength. How foolish of me! 2. More of You, Less of Me. If we could go through our day with the mental realization that the day, our life, this situation isn’t about us, but rather all about Him, maybe we’d respond differently. It’s hard to welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives because we are so selfish. I don’t want more of anyone else; I want more of ME! If you’re honest, you probably feel the same way in your heart, and that is exactly why we need to make this a matter of prayer! How much more effective would Jesus-walking-around-as-Vickibeth be than Vickibeth-being-her-selfish-self be? 3. Open My Eyes to Those Around Me. Like me, do you ever realize that you missed an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus, but it’s too late? Maybe lost in your own thoughts, you rush past a sister in Christ at the super market with nothing but a quick “hello!” because you just “don’t have time to chat” because you’re too busy. Later that week you find out that right before you saw her she found out her mother had died, her medical test came back poorly, or her husband had walked out on her. You know that awful feeling you get because you know you didn’t listen to the Holy Spirit and stop to speak with her? I haven’t had that exact situation, but I have on many occasions not listened to an inner tugging because I’m so busy. “Doesn’t God know this isn’t a good time?” “Can’t He see I’m a little busy with me?” Sometimes it’s not even that we are doing something selfish, maybe we are running late for Bible study or we are late for choir practice, but God doesn’t work on the same clock that we do. Maybe it’s time we start listening to His voice over the time on our smartphone. 4. Show Yourself to Me Today. Do you ever have days where you feel like you are in the day alone? I do. Now, the truth is that we are not alone, but sometimes it does feel that way; let’s be real. Tim has recently been praying this for us because it’s a very real struggle for me. Sometimes I feel lost in this big world. How can God possibly care about little me when there are so many people in this world, and while Christians are being brutally persecuted in other countries? Does He really care about my prayer that my day would be free of conflict with coworkers? I have been studying through Psalms, where David is constantly praying for protection on his life! Do my minor requests matter at all? I would submit that they do, per the character of God displayed throughout His word, but that doesn’t change my human need to feel that care, so I pray for God to show Himself to me personally. I hope that these short, one-line prayers encourage you. To me, these are BIG requests, but they don’t have to be 20 minute long, descriptive prayers for our Heavenly Father to hear them. He knows our hearts, but I know that the habit I am developing of whispering these single lines to Him have really meant a lot to me. Not only am I working on my “praying without ceasing,” but I am communicating to God that more than any physical, personal need or want, what I truly need and want is HIM. There is absolutely a place for praying about physical needs, the salvation of loved ones, those we love that are struggling, etc. I’m not saying we need to pray these spiritual needs prayers instead, but rather in addition to those prayers.
Encouraging our kids to say yes!![]() Once upon a time I (Lindsey) had a vision from God of what my life would look like, of the places He was calling me. I saw myself in a third world country, India to be exact. I saw myself running an orphanage, having hundreds of children through ministry. Today, in adulthood my life looks very different from that plan I had as a high school student. I live state-side with my husband and four children. I love them deeply and have been used by God in many ways during this season of my life. Some would say, "well this must have been God’s plan for you," but I must disagree. I believe very strongly that God’s plan is to use me for His purpose no matter where I am, what season of life I’m living, or what country I live in. For this reason I believe that I could have been just as effective in ministry if I had pursued that first calling of India and an orphanage. While I believe that I am called to be content where I am there are times that I just have to look back and wonder what might have been and why I didn’t pursue that original plan. There are many factors that come to mind, one being a bad experience with missions at the age of 14 that sent me in a weird spiral away from a relationship with God for some time. From there, that loss of closeness with Christ made it hard to hear how that original plan was possible or probable. I had never really seen it all put out there. I had not had the thought that I would just pick up and move upon completion of high school. In the back of my mind there was always an understanding that I would go to college (med school was in my sights at the time) after that I would pursue the mission field. Let me tell you one thing, life gets in the way of unrestrained pursuit of missions. The things that happen in our life can definitely help prepare us for where God is leading, but it also has the ability to give us many more obstacles to tackle and exceptions to make. I love my husband and my children deeply, but they complicate ministry. Do I think ministry is impossible with them? No. Do I think ministry is harder to do and to envision when I must take into account the well-being, desires, and callings of 5 other people? Absolutely! So today my message is to you, the parents, the mentors, and the youth leaders of our churches. Today, I am asking you to keep your eyes open for those who are called to the mission field (not everyone is called to pack up and leave, but some are). Be actively looking for those who have that itch to get out there. Parents, don’t get so caught up in the social norms that you miss the opportunity to encourage your children to follow God’s call even when it seems crazy. Protect your children from harmful experiences with missions as young children and teens by going with them, seeking opportunities to go into all the world preaching the good news. Your willingness to step outside of your comfort zones will be the best encouragement you can give your children to follow God’s will even when you can’t see exactly where it's leading. Youth leaders and mentors, encourage these young men and women to seek God’s will and not to wait to fulfill it simply so that they can fill the obligatory roles of college student, employed, spouse, parent, etc. Develop mission opportunities in the church and get the kids involved. Finally, for all three groups of people, when a young person comes to you talking about how they are going to go into the world, live with the poverty-stricken people of the world, feel what they feel, experience what they experience, live the way they live, don’t give them any reason to doubt that they will absolutely be taken care of every step of the way. What safer place is there to be than in the Will of God, walking, talking, and living like Jesus? Don’t give your children the opportunity to use what society deems the appropriate order of things as an excuse to say no to God’s will. When the Lord calls, let us make a point to teach our children to say, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.” 1Samuel 3:9b "Where you go, I’ll go, where you stay I’ll stay, where you move, I’ll move. I will follow you.” I heard the words coming from my mouth--but I had no idea of the impact that they would soon have on my life. That song, based off of Ruth 1, came out the year before God asked me to move more than I ever moved for Him before, to stay more than I have ever stayed--and to go somewhere I never thoughht I would go. Following God has taken me places I never thought I would go, and doing things I never thought I could do. It is all because I have followed the very bold Voice of God. Many people talk about the still, small voice of God. That is very Biblical. And he said, “Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire the sound of a low whisper.” (“1 KINGS 19:11-13, ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION) The Lord often speaks in a whisper. It requires us to be quiet before the Lord. To be still and silent. We have to spend intimate, daily time with God in order to be able to distinguish this voice. However, the more time we spend intimately with Him, the bolder He speaks. Boldness does not equate to loud- it equates to the type of Words He speaks. In my life, I was following the Lord’s direction. I was walking close with the Lord. It was a time when the Lord was all I had- and I was learning to be fully content with Him and Him alone. I was 28. I was single. There was not one prospect in site – and I was finally happy with that. I hadn’t been previously. In fact, I was completely miserable. Each wedding I went to left me depressed- and even worse, I was the perpetual brides maid. I had more dresses in my closet then I wanted to admit. It was like one girl would get married, and then, while she was off honeymooning and learning to be a wife- I would realize I needed a new friend. I must have been “good luck” – because it always seemed like my new friend was the next one dating and married. There I would stand, holding her flowers while holding back my tears. It had taken work – and a lot of intimate time with my Savior. I had truly felt like I was His bride, and that I was content with that. I had gotten the promotion I wanted at work, had great roommates I really loved and got along with, was doing ministry and had some amazing friends. Life was good. I was content. Too content. I didn’t want to move. I felt like I was doing for God – and I was. But my life was no longer a life of a faith, it was a life of normal. I had quit trusting. When we quit trusting, God shakes us from the nest – much like a Mama bird does with her babies. Like her, he wants us to fly. God reached down – and because He knew me intimately – He knew the ultimate desires of my heart. They were to be a wife and a mom – two things I had given up hope on. So, He brought me both, but it would require more faith than anything else I had experienced. More than going overseas to share the gospel in places all over the world. More than deciding to move overseas (that never happened – but I took steps to). More than being single – and constantly being asked the question about “when” I would marry. Yes, meeting my husband was a huge step of faith. Marrying a widower was a huge step of faith. Being the mother to his (now our) three children – who had lost their mom, and gone through so much tragedy at an early age- was a huge step of faith. Moving from my home to South Carolina- huge step of faith. Maybe that sounds bold- calling them huge steps of faith. But I know what the Lord had to do to get me there. Those steps are personal – and isn’t important – because your situation is different than mine. However, hearing the voice of God – and to know His boldness- that can be shared. How do we know when God is speaking boldly and asking us to mirror His voice with Bold steps of faith?
Having God speak boldly requires you to be still before Him. The only way He can talk to you is if you are spending time in the Word of God and prayer – talking to Him. He wants to be with you, He wants to speak to you, and He wants to do amazing things in your life. Those things will be acts of worship that you give Him – and it can happen right in your everyday life. ![]() Mandy is passionate about two things: The Word of God and the Souls of Men (and Ladies!). She is married to her best friend, and gets the privilege to love on their three blessings (who lost their biological momma leaving her husband widowed). She loves that the Lord has let her life be an example of delighting in Him and watching Him mold her life to make her desires match His. She spent 4 years in an “in house” seminary program at her home church. She loves to bring God glory through her roles as Christ-follower, Wife and Mother (in that order!) She enjoys women’s ministry, cooking, crafting, and traveling the world. Mandy is also passionate about Adoption and helping women with Infertility- as both are areas God has trusted her with. Her greatest desires are to have her marriage bring God ultimate glory, see her children walk in truth, to lead others to the feet of Jesus, and to lead women into deeper and intimate relationship with their Savior through study of the Word of God. You can find Mandy at Worshipful Living – where she blogs about sowing seeds of Worship in her daily life. You can also find her at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest!
God Doesn't Send Memos...![]() I was completely unaware of the change. I never got the memo. All the plans I had made and the path I carved out was no longer in sight. Somehow my life was not what I expected and had anticipated for it to be. On Monday I (Bethany) wrote about Peter and how his life plans were turned upside down when he met Jesus. The life of being a fisherman was no more. I am not going to take the time and compare myself to Peter because I KNOW I could never measure up, but I have felt God’s Will upon my life and watched it get thrown so far off track I don’t even recognize it. Before I had a family I had a plan… A plan to go to college, go to medical school, become a caring, successful doctor, and then have a family... In that order. Obviously God forgot to send me that memo about my life taking a sharp right turn because the life I envisioned was just a fleeting dream once He got done. In his heart man plans his course but the Lord determines his steps. ~Proverbs 16:9 So what would God’s plan for my life be? Stay-at-home mom, wife, caretaker for my ailing mother, writer, entrepreneur and encourager of women. Yes, I wanted to be a wife and mother. Yes, I wanted to have a successful career, I just imagined it would be in a pediatric oncologist practice. But, I never imagined that I would have roles reversed and be taking care of my mother. Never in a million years would I have thought I would be writing. Fun fact about me…when I was in school (high school & college) I was a math and science girl. I despised English class—loathed it! But now, I write. Funny how God works, isn’t it? Proverbs 16:9 hit’s so close to home. My goal was to help people. I expected that it would be through a medical career, but obviously God has other plans in mind. He is showing me that I can help others through writing and sharing my thoughts with the world. Yes, I have stepped so far from my comfort zone, I don’t even remember where that was anymore, but I have embraced, wholeheartedly, the place God has put me...Most of the time. Now it wasn’t easy at first. I have argued with God, interrogated him in search of answers to question about why my life has taken the turn that it has, and even refused to write because I have control over whether I sit at the computer and type or not! Eventually, God wins...So, I write. I have faced the fears of not being accepted into the world of writers. Since I am not formally trained in journalism or English there are emotions swirling through my head about the words that I put on the screen not being good enough. But, despite all the stubbornness I have and the emotions that sometimes get the best of me, the most important thing is...I have fallen in love with spreading His gospel. Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. ~Proverbs 16:3 I may not be a best-selling author, but my little blog, in my miniscule corner of the internet, is the one place that I can share His glorious words and pray that they will reach the hearts and minds that He guides them too. I feel there is someone out there right now, reading these words, who’s life isn’t exactly what was planned. No, it’s not easy to accept that our lives might not end up the way that we want, especially if you are a planner like me. Trust me—I didn’t want to accept writing and leaving the medical career that I longed for behind me. But, I have found comfort in one thing… God DOES send memos to let you know you are on the right path—His path. There will be small reminders and clues that show you are exactly where He wants you. Remember…That if I am working for the Will of God, then no matter where He places me in this world, I will be successful. |
This space is reserved for Founder Mandy's perspectives and viewpoints of Scripture. Man is fallible, but God is not. It's strongly encouraged that you study the Scripture for yourself and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in your understanding.
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