GOOD SOILRead: Luke 8:4-15![]() Luke chapter 4 opens with Jesus teaching. I {Mandy} am beyond grateful for God's Word and the glimpse into the Savior's teachings. So much Truth is packed into the words recorded in scripture. In this section, Jesus tells a parable that confuses His disciples. When they question Him, He explains that He teaches in this way so that those who are meant to HEAR and understand will, and those who are not won't. Luke 8, verses 9-15 drives it home: 'though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.' (Originally from Isaiah 6:9) Jesus goes on to explain that His parable (as found in verses 5-8) illustrated that the "seed" was God's Word and the different types of "soil" represented the people that the seed falls on.
Those along the path are the ones who HEAR the Word, but the devil takes it away from their hearts, so they aren't saved because they don't believe. Those on the rock are the ones who receive the Word with joy, but they aren't rooted in it. They believe for a while, but they fall away when they are tested. The seed among the thorns are those who HEAR, but life's worries and "riches and pleasures" keep them from maturing in the faith. The seed on good soil stands for those with "a noble and good heart, who HEAR the Word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop." (v. 15, emphasis mine). Ladies, I pray for you that you will receive the seed on GOOD SOIL. I pray that you will HEAR the Word, receive it, and be rooted in faith so that you will produce a good crop and be saved. How can we be rooted? Read this post to determine how committed you truly are. Being on the Deliberate Women team has been a wonderful blessing for me (Mia), especially as an artist who does so much of my ministry in a solo setting. Many times I share music, surrounded by hundreds or thousands of people, yet there I am, alone on a stage with just a keyboard and a mic.
Being with a team of women that share a common focus has been a blessing, but in a sense we are still alone because we all live in different states across the country. We all have our own individual lives that do not intersect except through the written word. So, this day, as I sit here quietly, doing my devotions, opening up the Word of God and listening to the scampering steps of six children on the floor above me, I smile, because those are the footsteps of our Deliberate Women Team leader and founder, Mandy Pagano’s, children. This day, I sit physically with my Deliberate Women ladies as more head into town for a women’s conference that Mandy organized at her home church. This day, as I write, many from the cyber team come together to meet face to face. This day, moms are leaving their children, for a time to fellowship, worship, grow and learn. This day, I am overwhelmed to be on a team, to not stand alone, to remember what an amazing group I am a part of. But, it wasn’t easy. It’s not always convenient to travel, to leave the hustle and bustle behind… the obligations... people you love... children that love and need you. Sometimes, we need to plan ahead; sometimes we need to put a lot of energy into making things happen. Sometimes, we just need to be face to face and trust that God can handle our lives for a moment, a fleeting moment as we step out (or in this case step out of town.) Ladies… Facebook, blogs, texting and all our other ways of communicating are great, Praise God! but let’s not neglect what is real and true in the flesh. As you are able, remember to step out for some face-to-face time with the people you love, the people you are getting to know, the people who NEED YOU! It doesn’t have to be a cross-country trip or even an overnighter, but how about we (me included) take a step outside our front door, take a peek and see people as they truly are, flawed yes, maybe not as cute as they appear on Facebook, but to see them and let them see us…. people who need people. Let’s dare to love and dare to BE loved. I love you in the Lord, Mia
Beware False Idols![]() “My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.” {Jeremiah 2:13 NIV} We live in a world that tells us we need the latest gadgets to make ourselves happy and that without them, our lives are completely void of any pleasure and happiness. But the fact remains that many of us have allowed ourselves to get pulled in by false idols and have forsaken the One that can give us the ultimate joy and eternal happiness. Let’s be honest here...We know that many are guilty of worshiping a false idol. I {Bethany} will be the first to admit that I have allowed my phone, computer and tablet to get in the way of my time with God. Many of us have put our worth in what another person says about us via social media, in having the newest, greatest tech gadget, and even in what complete strangers half-way across the world, think of us—all because we fall victim to our flesh and what it tells us we need to be worshipping. But, come clean...many are spending more time on the Internet than you are with God. If that's the case, even if you don’t admit it in writing, please confess to God. We like to call ourselves Christians, but are we really disciples of Jesus or are we disciples of social media? I am not condemning you.,Please don’t think that’s what I'm here to do because I know that I'm guilty of being a disciple of social media just as much as the next person, but what I am here to do is share my thoughts and, hopefully, help others face a problem that we are ALL susceptible to. Now, I know you're reading this and saying, “Bethany, social media can be used to spread the gospel,” and you know what? You're right! But in using social media to spread the Good News, you can be opening yourself up to being sucked in and worshiping a false idol. Maybe you think that you will hop onto Facebook "really quick" and then go read your bible. You WILL have your quiet time. But again...if we are spending time in reflection here and now, you know that hours can pass and by the time you get around to cracking open your Bible, it’s bedtime. You wake up the next day, vow to have your quiet time, and then repeat the day before. We need to make sure we're not trying to fill our spiritual needs with false idols. Only the Living Water can sustain us, show us who we truly are, and offer redemption and salvation. Please, put down your false God and crack open your Bible and be nourished by the Living Water that spills off the pages and can fill you up like nothing else can. I know that I am vowing to only show attention to social media AFTER I have worked to cultivate a deeper relationship with God. Won’t you join me in this vow? The members of Deliberate Women are adamant about living a life of faith in God with purpose and diligence. We are intentional about being in the Word, living the Word, and sharing the Word. Toward that end, we are supporting and advocating for different organizations that aid the marginalized and the least of these. Jesus said in Matthew 25:40- Today we are pleased to announce one such organization: Online For Life.
We stand with Online For Life as supporters of life, of women, and of the families affected by abortion. We are immeasurably grateful for a God who offers love, grace, and mercy. We are also grateful for an organization that approaches each and every man and woman inquiring about abortion with grace and dignity, not with judgment and condemnation. We have a page on our website dedicated to this organization with information and links to their website. A new feature offered by Online For Life is a Resource Center found HERE. We look forward to championing OFL's cause and to supporting their outreach. |
This space is reserved for Founder Mandy's perspectives and viewpoints of Scripture. Man is fallible, but God is not. It's strongly encouraged that you study the Scripture for yourself and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in your understanding.
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January 2025
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