A young girl stands on the street corner waiting for a man in a car to roll down his window. SOMEONE SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT A child starves, and we see his frail little body on a commercial. SOMEONE SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT A girl in high school attempts to take her life because she can't take one more day of bullying. SOMEONE SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT People all over the world don't know about the incredible saving grace of Jesus Christ. SOMEONE SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT There are children all over the world desperate for a family. SOMEONE SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT SOMEONE ELSE SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT SOMEONE ELSE SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT BECAUSE NOW ISN'T A GOOD TIME FOR ME. SOMEONE ELSE SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT BECAUSE I'M NOT WILLING TO SACRIFICE WHAT IT TAKES TO HELP. GOD SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT. Recently, while I [Ginny] was driving, the song Do Something by Matthew West came on the radio. Normally, I zone out and just hum along with songs without often hearing the lyrics because I have heard them so many times. But it was almost as if God put His hands on my shoulders and said, "You've GOT to pay attention to this." So I did. Since then, that song has been in my head, and I can't shake it. Just take a minute to read a few of his lyrics: I woke up this morning Saw a world full of trouble now Thought, how'd we ever get so far down How's it ever gonna turn around? So I turned my eyes to Heaven I thought, "God, why don't You do something?" Well, I just couldn't bear the thought of People living in poverty Children sold into slavery The thought disgusted me So, I shook my fist at Heaven Said, "God, why don't You do something?" He said, "I did, I created you" That last line just gets me. How many times have we looked up to Heaven asking God WHY? Why are there children in Africa starving? Why are kids going into schools and killing other kids? Why are abortion rates still so high? Why doesn't He do something about human trafficking? We are full of WHY questions, and His simple response - Why can't YOU? We are often full of excuses when we hear Him prodding us to something. - Now is not the right time - I'm too busy with what is on my plate already - I have young kids - I don't want to give up something to make room for this - I'm scared - I'm terrified of the sacrifice it might take God has gifted you with incredible talents, passions, and ideas. He didn't give them to you to keep them to yourself. He gave them to you to glorify and point others to Him. Are you doing that? In West's video for his song, several people hold up signs with ideas for what you CAN do. The point is - no matter where you are in life, no matter how much money you have, no matter what - you need to be DOING something with what God has given you. There are no excuses. As I watched his video, I wrote down several of the ideas on the signs. I encourage you to take the time to read through the list. What resonates with you? What inspires you? Laugh, Advocate, Adopt, Shine, Stand up for the weak, Feed the hungry, Clean water for all, Love, Fight for justice, Uplift, Show Christ's Love, Smile, Comfort, Rebuild, Serve, Plant Seeds of Hope, Hands and Feet, Share the Gospel, Pray, Care, Act, Heal the Hurting, End Pain,Teach, Impact, Volunteer, Forgive, Console the Lost, Salt and Light, City on a Hill, Listen, Stand Up, Love my Neighbor, Hope, Support, Be Kind, Shine, Hug, Champion a Cause, Stop Bullying, Encourage If God is placing a need or a calling on your heart, He will not be ignored. Remember Jonah in the Bible? God kept calling him to do something - Jonah ran. It was so bad that God had to use a giant fish to get him going in the right direction. I pray that you don't get to giant fish status with God. Perhaps you are already there. Wherever you are, there is SOMETHING you can do starting today. Now is the time. Stop running and start DOING. Ginny is a child of God, wife to an incredible man, and mom of 3 girls (2 human and one furry). She loves unwinding with a Starbucks in hand and a good show on TV (Downton Abbey!). Not only can you find her on Deliberate Women, but she has her own personal ministry blog at www.joyfromgrace.com. |
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January 2025
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