The Woman Who BledRead: Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34, Luke 8:43-48 Unless otherwise noted, all scripture is NIV. We know her simply as the woman who bled. We know she was afflicted for twelve years with bleeding. We know that she sought every medical resource of her time. We know that despite these attempts, this woman found no one who could heal her. What some may not realize or connect to is the fact that, at this point, these people were still bound by Levitical law. Grace had not yet saved the people. Levitical law dictated this: "When a woman has a discharge of blood for many days, at a time other than her monthly period or has a discharge that continues beyond her period, she will be unclean, as long as she has the discharge, just as in the days of her period. Any bed she lies on while her discharge continues will be unclean, as is her bed during her monthly period, and anything she sits on will be unclean, as during her period. Anyone who touches them will be unclean; they must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening." (Leviticus 15:25-27) Her bleeding wasn't fatal, but this woman probably led a life that felt like a death sentence for over a decade. It's not likely she had many friends; her relatives probably only visited out of obligation, to bring her supplies. She wouldn’t have been welcomed into the city or any type of fellowship. She would have been banned from places of worship. She was unclean and alone. Anyone who came in contact with her would, themselves, become unclean and would then be required to wash their garments and their bodies, and remain unclean and untouchable until evening. It can be assumed that most wouldn't have time for that kind of commitment. This woman was untouchable. She probably hadn't felt another's embrace in those twelve years. She probably hadn't had any deep conversations. She probably missed celebrating holidays with her loved ones, or collecting water with the other women from town. Her bleeding made her unclean, but her inability to be cleansed made her valueless in society. As we begin to understand the back story, we can understand just how "rebelious" this woman's actions were in regard to the Levitical law that many religous leaders had been using legalistically. Most likely through word-of-mouth, this woman had heard of the Miracle Worker, Jesus. She knew that He was passing through her city; maybe a relative had brought it up as a last-ditch effort. So despite the realization that she would most definitely touch people in a crowd of that size, and despite knowing her intentions were to get close enough to Jesus to purposely touch Him, this woman was determined to try. After twelve years, she could have said, "Nothing will heal me, there is no point." Instead, she heard the testimony of Jesus' power and knew that she had to risk everything to meet this Man who could make her clean. In turn, as the woman stepped out in faith, Jesus quickly acknowledged the very specific power that had gone out from Him, power that could only be grasped when it was faithfully sought after. This woman's affliction may have even been allowed for such a time as this, that her faith might shed light on the power Jesus held and on the necessity of putting one's faith in Christ. In a thick crowd, Jesus first showed the town not only His power, but His individual concern for people, in that He was able to distinguish a touch of faith from that of the hundreds of others pressing against Him. Next, Jesus listened as this woman shared her suffering and testified not of an unclean woman, but of a woman changed by faith. Finally, He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering." He chose to acknowledge her. He cared so deeply about her restoration and about the pain she'd suffered during her affliction, that Jesus called her out of the crowd and made her cleansing known. He proclaimed her restoration, and in so doing, He proclaimed her value in society--a value and worth that was due entirely to the value that God saw in her. Jesus displayed, for all to see, the counter-cultural Grace of God. This woman, a lost cause to everyone else, was a precious jewel in the eyes of the Father. He also showed throught this situation the great value of faithful action. It was the woman's faith to pursue Jesus and His healing power that allowed her to be healed. She’d stepped out in a big way. She'd also humbled herself and sought The Healer. Her faith in the Great Physician set her free from her affliction. We know her simply as the woman who bled. Yet, while we don’t know her name, we can surely learn much from her testimony. Jesus chose to reveal Himself to this woman. He chose to reveal this woman's actions to the crowd gathered around Him. He so purposefully made these decisions so that the wisdom and knowledge of what He had come to earth to complete could be revealed to all. Through this woman's affliction, Jesus was able to reveal to the whole world—even to us today—that His cleansing can reach into the lives of every one of us. The time we’ve spent in affliction cannot hold us back when we faithfully seek out the Great Physician. Written by Lindsey. D I G G I N G D E E P E RSo often, our relationship with Jesus, and our ability to receive His many blessings is hindered by our lack of faith. We want desperately to walk on water, move mountains, and perform miracles, yet we lack the faith to take that first step and reach out for the hem of The Healer's garment. The Woman Who Bled, she had nerve. She was willing to risk doing something socially and religiously unacceptable because she had faith and hope, that this Miracle Worker would heal her.
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M A R Y M A G D A L E N ERead: Matthew 27:55-56, 61; 28:1; Mark 15:40, 47; 16:1-19; Luke 8:2; 24:10;John 19:25; 20:1-18 All scripture, unless otherwise noted, is NIV. The darkness. The heaviness. It threatened to smother her. Again. Mary Magdalene is a profound figure in history. Mary, from Magdala, likely knew a life of affluence and influence, yet she gave it all up to follow Jesus. She and a band of other women traveled extensively with Jesus and the disciples. The women likely took care of the Master’s needs on a practical basis as far as preparing and serving meals and doing laundry—mundane tasks to many, yet they were done with an abundance of love and devotion. These tasks were only some of many ways she and the others showed support and love. Her financial support, along with that of many other women, was likely an enormous blessing to Jesus and His disciples, yet it was the time spent and the relationship that grew that were surely the most prized. Jesus met Mary at the lowest point in her life. He found her broken and defenseless. Her world was dark and lonely. Jesus brought Light and Life into her world when He healed her of seven demons. Seven, the number representing “perfection” or “completion” in the Bible, may detail how dire was Mary’s situation of demon-possession. Whatever her affliction, it was a serious situation that likely robbed her of all control and joy in life. Although the details of her healing aren’t noted in scripture, we can make an educated guess as to the effect that Jesus’ mercy had on Mary. We aren’t sure how long Mary suffered from this torment, but we can understand that she saw life through dark shadows of loneliness. There would be no laughter, no smiling, no rest. She went from being hopeless, afflicted and possibly alone, to fully restored and healed in an instant. Surely one look into Jesus’ eyes as He lovingly looked past her outward actions and appearance to her very soul was enough to tether her heart to the Master’s forever. Add to that the time spent watching the Lord patiently teach, consistently heal, and laugh with genuine joy and we can understand how her affections for Him grew. Her status, her wealth, her family, and her standing within the community couldn’t save her in her time of need. She was hopeless and defeated. It was Jesus and Jesus alone who rescued her from the literal hell she lived in day in and day out. And it was Jesus who continued to teach and heal her as she followed Him from town to town. Her name is mentioned several times in the New Testament, usually along with other women who followed Jesus. Many women, as already noted, whom He’d healed, followed Him and offered support. One woman—influential of her own accord— was the wife of a government official (Luke 8:2-3), yet it was Mary Magdalene whose name was listed first among women and only second after Jesus’ mother and aunt. It was she who had stayed when all others had fled, while Christ was put on trial and beaten. It was Mary Magdalene who had remained to offer any comfort possible, while Christ struggled to carry His cross to Golgotha. It was Mary Magdalene who had knelt, with tears streaming down her cheeks, to minister to Jesus’ mother and the Lord Himself, as He was brutally nailed to the cross and anguished for hours. It was Mary Magdalene who stayed behind after the others had gone home when the tomb was found empty. She knew loneliness. She knew inner torment and suffering that no one could save her from. It was this woman to whom Christ had restored the hope of life and life abundantly, who would linger longer than most, to be with the Master as the last of His life drained away. And it was Mary Magdalene who had the privilege of seeing the Master, restored and resurrected, and heard for the first time that He had indeed overcome the world. Jesus’ relationship with Mary Magdalene revealed His respect and purpose for women. In a culture and time when women were considered property and not worthy of being taught the serious teachings of religion, Jesus surrounded Himself with them. He spoke with, and taught them, along with the men who followed Him. To allow a woman the immense privilege of seeing the newly resurrected Messiah, and to be the first EVER to hear from Him that He was alive, in addition to being tasked with telling the other disciples the Good News, displays Christ’s tenderness toward women. Beyond that, it displays Christ’s purpose for and value of women. He respected women and showed that respect in the responsibilities He gave them. He entrusted an enormous duty to Mary and He trusted her with it. With that task, He showed her that not only was she healed and restored, but she was important. She was needed. His character as a loving Father, devoted Teacher, and the Savior of the world is absolutely apparent in how He chose to treat Mary and the other women. Jesus found her broken. He healed her. Their friendship and relationship grew through her devotion to Him. She followed Him with abandon, forsaking all else, even when she was alone. As a result, she got to know Him in a way that most didn’t. She gained His trust and a calling on her life. She heard and accepted her calling and embraced it. She literally ran to fulfill it. Her devotion and obedience led her to a place of great importance in Christ’s ministry. She gave of herself: her time, her emotions, her finances, and was rewarded by being regarded as worthy by the Savior. “A further lesson is that of what a woman can do for the One who has done so much for her. Once Mary was healed and saved, she practiced her faith in following Jesus and ministering to Him and His disciples of her substance and witnessing to His death and Resurrection, to others. Are there not a thousand ways in which converted and consecrated women can serve the Master acceptably? Mary’s gratitude and love manifested itself in devotion to Christ. She owed much, gave much, loved much and served much. Has He expelled Satan from our lives? If so, are we loving and serving Him to the limit of our capacity, daily witnessing to the power of His Resurrection?” [1] Written by Mandy. S o u r c e s[1], 1988, Mary Magdalene: The Woman who had Seven Devils, Zondervan. OTHER SOURCES: Mary Magdalene: The Quest Study Bible, NIV, 1983, Zondervan D I G G I N G D E E P E RSo often our relationship with Jesus can be rushed or come in second place to the chaos that is around us. We long for Jesus revelations in our lives, yet we lack a commitment to pursuing Him. Mary knew how to gain wisdom and insight, she knew how to be a part of the inner circle, even if she didn't realize it. Are you being like Mary?
Our Jesus is amazing.
No statement has been more grossly understated. Have you met Jesus? Have you met the man who wept simply because His friends' sadness was too much to bear. Have you met the man who spoke with such tenderness, grace, and dignity to the women who were scorned by society? Have you met the man who spent His life homeless, wandering from town to town just to spend time with the undesirables? Have you met the man who loved His people so much that He died to pay the penalty for their sin? This is the Jesus you will meet in our new Devotional Series: REVEALED. Jesus, the Son of God, The Almighty in flesh, is a man of justice and righteousness, for sure. He's also the emblem of grace and mercy. He's the embodiment of all that is right and good. He loves His children. He respects women and offers them a place in His ministry and in His Kingdom. He did for us what we can't possibly do for ourselves. And He did it with warmth and often with a smile. This series will be featured here online for FREE for a time and then taken down from the site to be bound and printed and also made available for PDF download. Join us for this 4-week series where we will feature 6 women from the Bible to whom Jesus REVEALED different aspects of His character and person. If you've never met this Man, please get to know Him here. Take a moment to spend time in the scripture and be moved by this Man who defied convention, beat death and overcame the world! If you know Him, come along with us to see Him with fresh eyes. We can't wait! We'll post every Monday and Friday here on the Devotional page, beginning Friday, April 25th, Good Friday. We are very excited to announce that SHE HEARD is now available directly from us and less expensive than on Amazon! Now you can order your SHE HEARD Devotional for only $12.99 for your small group.* That saves you over $5! Also, we have SHE HEARD available on our site now for individual use for only $15, that's a $3 savings from Amazon. To order for your small group, click HERE. *Small group orders must include a minimum quantity of 3 to be considered a "bulk" order. It's come to our attention that some are having difficulty commenting on our site for the giveaway? Oh no! It's a glitch with our platform and we're addressing it. If you've tried to comment and can't, please email us HERE and let us know so that your entry counts. We see LOTS of "likes" and "shares" on Facebook, but not so many comments, which is a mandatory entry. So sorry!! We can't wait to get these books into your hands! Too impatient to wait for the giveaway? We have SHE HEARD available at Amazon HERE and a PDF version available for download (you print and bind yourself) HERE! ***CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED! THANK YOU FOR ENTERING!***
***UPDATED 3/5/16: It's come to our attention that some are having trouble commenting on this post. If that's the case, please email us at deliberate women {at} gmail {dot} com and we will count your entry that way. Thank you!
SHE HEARD is available now HERE! When we began writing over six months ago, we had no idea exactly where God was going to lead us with SHE HEARD. Where we find ourselves now is looking at the glossy cover of this amazing devotional and shaking our heads. SHE HEARD was written to minister to those women who feel inadequate, unprepared, or uncertain how to serve the Lord using the gifts He's given them. The amazing thing of it all is that it's also ministering to US! SHE HEARD is an 8-week devotional featuring 8 women of the Bible who were extraordinary in their obedience to the Lord just by living their ordinary lives. You, too, can be extraordinary in God's Work as you walk forward in obedience to what He is calling you to. And you can do that just by being who you are, where you are. TODAY, we are SO EXCITED to announce a SHE HEARD giveaway! We will be selecting 5 people from the comments below and on our Facebook page. Those selected will receive the following: 1st Winner: SHE HEARD Devotional, An NIV Study Bible, & A beautiful journal from Whole Magazine. 2nd Winner: SHE HEARD Devotional, DW ONE YEAR Journal, & a jewelry piece from ViBella jewelry. 3rd Winner: a SHE HEARD PDF Devotional (to be downloaded and bound by you.) 4th Winner: a SHE HEARD PDF Devotional (to be downloaded and bound by you.) 5th Winner: A SHE HEARD PDF Devotional (to be downloaded and bound by you.) Contest runs from Wednesday, March 2, 2016 through Wednesday March 9, 2016 until 11:59 PM EST. Winners will be selected and contacted Thursday, March 10, 2016 via email and also announced here and on our FB Page. Winners must respond within 24 hours or prize will be forfeited.
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Special thank you to Daniel Critchfield for video editing.
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