We have arrived full-circle with the publication of the Fall 2020 Issue. One year ago we stepped out with shaky knees and expectant hearts to launch She Heard Magazine. Our aim was to provide something tangible and beautiful that not only features ordinary women doing extraordinary things through the power of Christ, but also to glorify God through the articles and features. We long to point and nudge you toward the Lord while providing a beautiful space to find encouragement and inspiration.Our world still feels topsy-turvy. We'd hoped by this time to return to a semblance of "normal", but for many of us, normal may never be the same. Somewhat like the changing of seasons, the old makes space for the new. Fall is a brilliant example of loss mixed with rebirth. The sweet days of Summer make way for shorter days and cooler nights. Hearty foods and spicy ciders replace icy drinks and BBQ. But through it all, Summer doesn't lose its allure or magic simply because Fall comes along. Instead, we adapt, we change, we move forward. We embrace the memories made in Summer even while looking toward those we've yet to make. In order to move toward tomorrow, we must let go of yesterday. What is God calling you to release so that He can create something new?
75 pages, 8.5" x 11", full-color.
Check out the FREE digital version HERE.