Rest: A foreign concept to most women. But do you know rest is important--so important that we read about it in the Bible? First in Genesis 2:2 NLT "On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work" Then again with Jesus in Mark 6:30-32 " The apostles returned to Jesus from their ministry tour and told him all they had done and taught. Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn't even have time to eat. So they left by boat for a quiet place, where they could be alone. " Jesus only did what He saw His Father do (John 5:19.) God rested, so Jesus rested. Jesus and his Apostles were humans. Jesus never expected His Apostles to go non-stop serving in His ministry without proper rest and alone time for prayer. Jesus was the perfect Son of God but He still valued proper rest and alone time with the Father. I know, as a mom, there are those times when we are running on very little rest due to the demands of motherhood. That's part of being a mom, but we are to imitate Christ. Are we really imitating Christ when we are run ragged on 2 hours of sleep because we insist on delivering casseroles to every sick/shut in person from church? Does imitating Christ really look like being so over-scheduled that we neglect our prayer time? Dear Heavenly Father, Forgive us when we go beyond what You have called us to and neglect rest. We want to imitate Christ in our lives. We want to do only what You have called us to do. Nothing more, nothing less. Thank You for loving us. In Jesus in name, Amen.
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