THE FEMINIST LIEWell, my original intent was to write about an entirely different subject today, but then I {Lindsey} came upon an article that struck me at my core and lines up so wonderfully with where God is leading me next. I have been strongly persuaded by the Holy Spirit that young women are a part of my mission, specifically teen girls to early 20’s. This mission may at some point change just as it has developed into what it is now, but as for this time, they are my focal group. Today I read an article written by the daughter of Alice Walker, author of The Color Purple. I remember reading this book in high school, and while I can’t quote you any details, I remember even then being off put by something that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I went on to attend a very liberal feminist all girls college for my first semester and while there is much that I loved about the campus, my friends, and many of my professors there was still an underlying issue that I had with the whole situation. While some may not agree, my marriage to my amazing husband only a few weeks into my college education and our departure to Hawaii after my first semester there was in many ways my saving grace. While I finished my college education and got my 4 year degree, I also had the opportunity to step out of the inundation of feminism and realize what I had known was my purpose here on earth from the time I was a little girl. Our world, has unfortunately got so caught up in the idealism of feminist culture that we have thrown to the wayside undeniable truths. We as women have bought into this cultural lie, we force it down the throats of those around us, and we claim that anyone who sees things differently is ignorant and small minded. The feminist movement and our attitudes of self love at the cost of our responsibility to others has resulted in increased divorce rates over the years. No, I don’t think women are entirely responsible for the rate of divorce, however, I believe that women hold 50% of the responsibility in any marriage. For starters, lets look at a few verses that explain the heart of God towards the idea of divorce and marriage. Matthew 19:4-6 says, “‘Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.’” We are not intended for divorce, that is a product of sinful and selfish nature. This nature leads us to more than just failed marriages though, it leads us to broken homes. Children who get caught up in grownup arguments and having to choose sides. Children left without father’s because we as women decided we are strong enough, independent enough, self sufficient enough to defy the plans of God. Another lie of the feminist movement, one that pushes our husband’s further from their intended roles as loving men and father’s is that they are not worthy of respect simply on the merits of being the head of our household (by our choice I might add), but that they must work to earn our respect at every turn. God intended for something very different. Ephesians 5:33 says, “However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” I know there are some of you out there with that feminist mind set still who are saying, well my husband doesn’t love me as himself so why should I respect him, but ladies take a look at that verse again. Does it instruct men to love their wives so that wives will find them suitable to be respected. No, it instructs each party, husband and wife, separately, to do as they are intended to do unconditionally. This alone would explain why the feminist movement has brought with its ascension the breakdown of the American family. The trouble doesn’t stop there though. We live in a society where new wives and soon to be first time moms are being worn down before the sleepless nights of motherhood even begin. A society who tells us that we should ignore our God given yearnings for motherhood and should trade peanut butter and jelly faces, for world travel, sexual independence/discovery, and the freedom to do with our bodies what we so choose. We live in a feminist society that mindlessly promotes a women’s right to choose while ignoring, the physical, emotional, and mental consequences that come afterward. Feminism has taken root in the lives our young girls and young women in such a way that they do first and think about the consequences later. Women tear down other women based on their desires to stay home and raise children, and perhaps if they see one or two kids as okay moving into the realm of 3 or 4 is absolute feminist tyranny. Our feminist society has turned children into a burden instead of seeing them as the blessing that they have always been. Its a society, that looks at me like I’m insane for not taking the “well deserved” break that kindergarten would afford me and am instead choosing to school my children at home. Well, I for one am sick of the hold that this cultural lie has on the lives of women in my life. I am sick of feeling like I have to explain why motherhood is my calling and why I prefer to be dependent on my husband as the leader of our family. I am sick of living in a world of selfish women who have no idea how powerful their voices could be if only they were willing to focus less on self and more on those around them. I would like to point out that I am in no way saying that women don’t deserve love and respect and appreciation. I’m not saying that we don’t need a break from being a mommy and a wife every now and then to realize who we are as an individual. In fact, I think those times are extremely necessary for rest and refreshment so that I can come back and do my job well. I do think, there is a difference between recouping and recoiling. When we look at our lives as moms and wives or as future moms and wives we should not feel chained down or burned, we should instead being seeing a world of possibilities and blessings. I for one did not ever truly see life until I saw it through the eyes of my child. My very young marriage did not shackle me to a dull and demeaning life, it saved me from 4 years of being told that my purpose in life as a mother and wife wasn’t good enough. The life I lead today allowed me (for the most part), to steer clear of The Feminist Lie. I encourage each and everyone of you reading today to evaluate where the lies of feminism have gotten a foot hold on your marriage, on your commitment to motherhood, on your life in general. It can be a tough pill to swallow, you know the realization that some blame for failed relationships or a struggling marriage lies at your feet, but it is a freeing experience that will help you break the chains that feminism has locked generations of women up with. Choose today to free yourself from the lies of self righteousness by clinging to the truth of the Father. He loves you dearly, and believes you are more precious then gold, silver, or diamonds, but you will never really understand that until you submit yourself to His plan which is as far from feminism as the East is from the West. Renew your purpose, reclaim your life, and repair your relationship by leaving the lie behind and replacing it with the true purpose God has ready and waiting for you. |
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January 2025
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