![]() Every mom of youngsters hears this same advice: “Enjoy this time because they grow up so fast!” Or “I wish I could have kept them forever at that age. “ ENJOY?!? Keep them forever as (eek!) TODDLERS?!? I {Ginny} seriously believed that those women had either lost their minds or had lied to themselves so much over the many years since their children were little that they couldn’t possibly remember just what it was REALLY like: NO Sleep – TANTRUMS – CONSTANT whining – ENDLESS questions – DESTRUCTION to your home/animals/mind – and let’s not forget…POTTY TRAINING! They want that back? Have they lost their minds?!? Do I need to make a call for a white jacket? No, they are incredibly sane. I had just let my own mind get lost in the craziness. It wasn’t until just recently that I began to realize why they say these things. They say them because they have experienced real loss. They experienced the loss of little hands holding theirs – grinning spaghetti covered faces – those first moments when their child said their first sentence – the proud moment when their little one climbed up the steps on his own for the first time – the tickle fests – the silly scary monster noises they made – tucking them in at night – reading books while their little one sat on their lap engrossed with every word – singing at the top of their lungs in the car and their children thought it was great! – the moment when their little one first says, “I love you, Mommy” – climbing on the structures at the park and sliding on the slides because it is still cool for mommy to play with them – watching their little one clasp her hands together and say a prayer only she and God can understand with a loud AMEN at the end. The list could go on and on. I realized that in my own craziness of raising two small children, I had lost all sense of reality. I had gotten myself so engrossed in the hardships that I had forgotten to savor the moments with my children that would be gone in a heartbeat – moments I would never have again with them. I had allowed Satan to discourage me so badly that I saw my children as a negative in my life and not the beautiful gifts God had given me. I never know when they will willingly grab for my hand the last time. I never know when they will want me to sing or read to them before bed for the last time. I never know when they will stop allowing me to hug, kiss, and tickle them endlessly until they can’t breathe. So I’ve decided to take a new attitude towards parenting and search for the “melt-away moments” in each day – search for the positive highlights that I can hold onto during the really difficult times. When I find myself going down a negative path, I’m going to remember Psalm 118:24(ESV), “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it,” and turn things around to a positive outlook. I’ve already started doing this, and I’ve begun to enjoy parenting so much more. All of a sudden the things that seemed so “big” before don’t bother me as much. Worries I have are melting away as I rejoice in what they ARE doing and not what might happen down the road. I’m taking a moment to soak in the cute things they are doing, and my attitude towards them is changing. I no longer perseverate on the negatives. I’m enjoying the positives: the mispronouncing words in a funny way – their love of dress up – watching them splash in the sink, giggling like crazy – their cute little songs that they love to sing. For those of you in a different season of life, you may find that you need to take a new approach to marriage, a job situation, or a relationship with a friend. Our lives go in seasons, seasons we cannot take back or relive. God doesn’t want us to get lost in the negatives. How can we enjoy the blessings, small and large, He has given us in each day if we are focusing on what is wrong or driving us crazy? What if we started focusing on soaking in those melt-away moments that we will look back on someday and wish we could relive? If we enjoy these moments even more NOW, we might be able to look back down the road and say, “I lived those moments to the fullest, and although I wish I could go back and relive it, I know that I didn’t throw those special moments away by focusing on the negatives.” I would love to hear your melt-away moments in the comments below. Please take a moment and share yours, and let's laugh and cry together! For now, I’m going to end this post and go read Goodnight Moon to my little girls and ENJOY every part of that experience because I know that soon, Goodnight Moon will be collecting dust with the other outgrown toys and books from a forever past season. Soon my children will read themselves to sleep, and I will be outside their door fondly remembering reading that simple little book over and over each night in the melt-away yesterdays. A special note for those moms struggling right now – I’ve been there. In fact, not so many weeks ago, I wanted to pack my bags and head anywhere but my home. I was feeling so discouraged, alone, and exhausted with all of the craziness that comes with being a mom. From someone who has been there, I encourage you in that deep spot you are in to pray for God’s encouragement and strength and memorize Isaiah 41:10 (“Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand). Pray that He will help you see even the smallest possible positives in your life as a mother each day. Right now, it may not feel like there is ANYTHING positive. I get it! Just start small. Even if it means that you just read a book to your child one more time, hold a hug just a little longer, or stare at their adorable little face just a few seconds more – just start somewhere. Then build on that each day. Before you know it, you may find that you have a more positive outlook. Life may still not be easy, but your attitude toward it will make it feel easier. Psalm 118:24, “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (ESV) 1 Thessalonians 5:16-19, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit.” (ESV) Proverbs 17:22, “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” (ESV) |
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January 2025
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