This article originally appeared in the Summer 2021 Issue of She Heard Magazine. Click HERE to find this issue in our shop. ![]() One of the most treasured gifts I received on Mother’s Day this year was from my 15-year-old daughter. She is a kind, creative and talented young lady who always uses her God-given abilities to bless others. My heart leaped with joy when I gazed upon the pastel chalk-painted mason jar wrapped in jute. I saw one just like it at a recent craft open house. However, the one I observed was much too overpriced. So, my sweet girl made one just for me! She also hand-picked beautiful dainty spring flowers to place in the jar to make it complete. It was precious and oh so pretty! As we visited with family around my kitchen table that rainy spring afternoon, something began to happen to my lovely new centerpiece. The once fresh vibrant flowers gradually began to wilt. After some time, they began to droop and cling to the side of the mason jar. They lay limp with exhaustion and looked sickly. The once live flowers appeared lifeless. I was sad. My mother-in-law exclaimed that my daughter forgot to put water in the jar! That explained why they began to die. My mom quickly took the jar and carefully poured in cool fresh water. I immediately thought, we should just throw them out. There is no hope for these now. They simply will not survive. Revelation 7:16-17: “‘Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. ![]() However, after hours of visiting, conversing, snacking and enjoying company, we began to witness something happening…not one, but two and three tiny flowers begin to pop back up. Just a few out of the bunch began to appear perky that afternoon. Early the next morning, I got up and routinely went downstairs to feed our pets and make coffee. To my surprise something absolutely amazing happened! I gazed at my handmade gift and my jaw dropped wide open! The once dead and wilted flowers appeared completely restored. Yes, they looked just as they did when I first received them…beautiful and vibrant! I actually thought that someone put new flowers in the jar. They just couldn’t be the same bunch! ALL of the flowers, not just a few, desperately needed fresh water and some time. I simply could not believe how revived they looked! I quickly took a picture and sent it to both my mother and mother-in-law because it was such an amazing transformation! This story caused me to instantly connect with and think of the woman at the well and the life-giving water of Jesus. I’m not sure if you have heard of this story? To give a brief description, Jesus and his disciples were traveling, and He wanted to stop for a drink. His students went into town for some food. Jesus knew that He had much more planned than to simply ask for a drink of water while at Jacob’s well. He had a divine appointment scheduled. Jesus and His disciples were traveling through Samaria. Jews and Samaritans were enemies and did not speak, so this was a most unusual place to make a pit stop for food and water. Jesus sat in the scorching heat of the day by the well…waiting. Who was He waiting for? Around noon, a Samaritan woman journeyed out of town to the well for a drink. This was another interesting situation because most women came to draw water early in the morning due to the intense heat. This woman was ashamed to come to the well with the townswomen. She simply could not bear to face their stares and whispers because of her lifestyle choices one more day. When she approached the well and prepared to draw a bucket of fresh water, Jesus spoke to her and asked for a drink. She replied in astonishment because not only would Jews not speak to Samaritans, but neither would a man speak to a woman in this manner. In John 4:10, “Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” The woman then inquired about where to get this living water and Jesus proclaimed, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” She then asked Him for this living water. After more conversation and questions, the woman finally saw and understood that Jesus knew her and all that she had done. He saw her, and yet pursued her still. Her eyes were opened as He revealed Himself as the Messiah and she ran to tell all the people of the town this good news! This is the kind of transformation that Jesus alone can bring forth. Friend, are you worn out and thirsty? Do you feel that you simply cannot take another step? Are you ashamed of your past or current lifestyle and avoid being around others, like the woman at the well? Is life just too unbearable at this point in your job, marriage, sickness, mental state, parenting, or finances? Are you sitting in an empty jar lying limp and lifeless like my flowers? Perhaps you were once emerged in the water living a vibrant and full life, but you let the well run dry. You have become disconnected and distant in your relationship with the Father and feel parched and withered. Maybe you never knew or heard about the Living Water before. Your life choices have been all about doing the best for yourself or your family and putting so much effort into living a successful life, but you remain empty and dry. You are unsatisfied and even feel dead. Then it is time to look to the Life-Giver. The one who restores and makes all things new. The one who quenches our thirst and brings about real transformation and refreshment. It is time to fill the jar! Lift your weary head and look into the eyes of Jesus, our Savior, Redeemer, and Friend. For He is the only one who will ever satisfy our weary. Ask and you shall receive His life-giving water in which you will never thirst again. Nicole DrayerNicole is a teacher at heart and has a deep passion to share the love of Christ with others and to see lives changed. She led Children’s Ministry programs and assisted her husband for years in youth ministry. Nicole fully embraces the importance of sharing the gospel message with others as she has mentored teenage girls, participated in discipleship with other women, and volunteered at the Women’s Care Center. Since the release of her first book, Peace by Piece: Surrendering all that is Beautifully Broken, Nicole enjoys speaking at Women’s retreats and encouraging others to find healing and hope through Jesus Christ. Nicole is the mother of three amazing children: Caleb, Eden, and Elijah (and fur babies, Sadie & Shadow) and is married to her best friend, Greg. She is honored to serve alongside and support her husband in ministry as he pastors Rolling Hills Church in Verona, Pennsylvania. She enjoys shopping for antiques, taking long walks in the wooded area behind her house, drinking coffee, and spending time with her family. Nicole is an outgoing and warm personality who loves people. It is her desire to serve Jesus with her whole heart and give hope where it is lost through her story…ALL for God’s glory! |
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