Can I Tell You a Secret?I'm thinking about doing something with this website that I considered almost 2 years ago but didn't. <--- Waaaaaaay too long of a story to tell now.
It would be a big deal for me, but I'm not sure it would be for you. That's why I'm writing. You see, in 2012, after much consideration, Deliberate Women was born. It was a shaky fantastic time that I limped my way through while finding my feet and my voice. What started as a group of women writers has slowly dwindled to just me. I've co-written 2 devotionals with 2 others, but mine is the only voice on this site now. I've spent much time mourning what this space used to be and lots of time dreaming of what it still could be. I've grown so much in the past (almost) 5 years in my relationsip with Jesus and I'm feeling compelled to share that with all of you. To that end, I'm thinking of a name change. While Deliberate Women is a strong moniker, ever since the Lord laid this other name on my heart, I've wanted to make the change here. But I didn't because I was too chicken. I listened to marketing 101 and decided that it would be crazy to change the name after years and hundreds of thousands of women coming to this site seeking women being deliberate in their faith. But today, I'm this much closer to biting the bullet and making the change. The new name isn't really all that new around these parts, but it will be a better representation of who I am and what I hope to share here. I love the idea of encouraging and supporting DELIBERATE women, but with the release of my first solo devotional Selah: On Your Road to Damascus, I realized that I could possibly have some things to say to men as well. I wouldn't presume to be any kind of authority, but I believe the Lord empowers and entrusts women with valuable insight and wisdom to be shared with all...not just women. I believe that He has been preparing me for this next move. Albeit small to most, it's huge to me. So, it may be very soon that you see the title on this site and on it's accompanying social media channels changing from my beloved "Deliberate Women" to "She Heard". Yes, the same name of DW's first for-purchase devotional. I love telling the story of how that name came to me, and maybe that will be for the first official post under the new name, but for now, it really captures who I am and what's happened to me in my life. Jesus met a broken defensive Samaritan woman at the well and forever changed her, removing the shame about the divorce and fornication in her life. He did the same for me. As a result of being treated with grace and dignity, that woman ran and told her village all about this man Jesus who "told me everything I have ever done." Because of her boldness and lack of pride in sharing Jesus, many in her village believed and were saved. They said to this woman who they had treated as an outcast for so long, "We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world." I've heard this as well. Jesus really is the Savior of the world. And I want to tell you, like the woman who left her water jar behind as she ran back to her village, undoubtedly with joy bursting within. I'm excited at this, tenderly nudging one toe forward, reaching toward what could be while quietly and softly letting go of what was. I'm so grateful for all who are a part of this community and invite you to stay. I'm still the same person who began this journey so many years ago, just more aware of who it is I serve. Let's do this together. Let's be women--people--who HEAR and tell others about Jesus our Savior. |
This space is reserved for Founder Mandy's perspectives and viewpoints of Scripture. Man is fallible, but God is not. It's strongly encouraged that you study the Scripture for yourself and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in your understanding.
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January 2025
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